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In addition to the digital and print version of the publication, there are also more than 50 audio podcasts that are easy to download, save, share, and consult in the field on a mobile phone.

The podcasts are organized as follows:

Entry 0

Introduction to the Contemplation, Comprehension, Conservation Podcast.

Entries 1-10

These initial pieces compile biographical information on ten men and women who have been instrumental in forging our view of Colombia's natural heritage.

Entries 11-16

These audios, developed by the Organization for Education and Environmental Protection, OpEPA, and the Global Heritage Consortium, PUP, contain basic information about the work of a nature guide and some complementary topics that can improve the visitor's experience in natural environments, making it safe and unforgettable.

Entries 17-30

These audio files contain information obtained from interviews with some of the most important researchers and academics in the country. They also discuss some interesting scientific concepts that reveal the peculiar ways in which biological groups, ecosystems, regions and culture converge in our territory. This material is only available in these audio pieces.


Entries 31-34

These audios provide information about several birds and include some of their songs (special thanks to the Humboldt Institute for providing the audio files).

Entries 35-50

These last audio files recap some key ideas and concepts from the printed version of the Illustrated Handbook.

We hope that the public will enjoy these podcasts and that the audio experiences they offer will inspire them to engage in the Contemplation, Comprehension, and Conservation of Colombia's natural heritage.